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Spirit Store

Spirit Store is open every Thursday for all lunch periods!
Our Beaver Spirit Store has many items from $0.25 to $5.00. (t-shirts are $10.00)
Availability is limited to what we have in inventory, and items vary regularly to keep our store fresh and exciting! Here's a peak into some of the options we have carried.

Shirt: $10.00
Coin Purse: $2.00

Bookmarks: $0.50
Keychain: $3.00
Stressball: $2.00
Kneaded Eraser
Varieties: $1.00-$2.00
Spirit Pennant: $3.00
Rubber Bracelet: $0.50-$1.00
Pen & Pencil Varieties:
Erasers: $0.25

Stickers: $0.25
Notepad: $2.00
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