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  • Support Student Success

  • Health and Safety

  • Meaningful Assessment & Accountability

  • Strengthen Public Schools

PTA defines advocacy as the act of mobilizing individuals and Local PTAs to work with the state office and National PTA to spark changes in programs and policies that benefit children. Local advocacy is specific to our school district and city.

Please find Texas PTA Legislative Priorities here.

The Voice of Membership


Texas PTA's legislative work is driven by a grassroots model that seeks input and voice from our PTAs and their members.  A series of resolutions and legislative positions, each of which is adopted by our members during the annual meeting, provide a framework that allows the Texas PTA Board of Directors to establish legislative priorities and act effectively on behalf of our members.  


What is a Resolution?

A resolution is an original main motion which, because of its importance, length, or complexity, is submitted in writing. Resolutions call for action by the Texas PTA or its constituent bodies (areas, councils or local units). Resolutions seek to address problems, situations or concerns which affect children and youth and which require action for solution.


What is a Legislative Position?

A legislative position is a statement outlining the opinion, will or intent of the association to address statewide problems, situations or concerns that affect children and youth.  A position statement usually requires initial action to seek resolution on the issue, but the position is sometimes maintained, even when action has been taken, to substantiate the continuing will of the association.

View Current Texas PTA Resolutions

View Current Texas PTA Legislative Positions

Once adopted, all resolutions and legislative positions are reviewed every five years by our members to determine if they are reaffirmed or retired.


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